Sunday, November 9, 2008

Meet the Mother of the Environmental Movement -Rachel Carson

Rachel Carson wrote was is considered to be the first Green manifesto entitled Silent Spring in 1962 and helped launch eco-feminist thought into the mainstream. The book quickly became a huge bestseller on the effects of the pesticide spraying of DDT by farmers and Govt. agencies in the U.S

She began writing on water issues after working for the U.S. Dept. of Fisheries and helped to bring together conservationists, naturalists and scientists long before an ecology movement had a name.

Eventually, Rachel Carson, the biologist brought her zoology and genetic scientific research skills to the documenting and investigation of bird populations and the effects of man made chemicals in the environment to a public anxiously in the midst of above ground nuclear testing.

Her book Silent Spring was met with concerted industry attacks and was quoted in the Congress and by Presidents. The book helped to ban domestic use of DDT and she is credited with the creation of the E.P.A. , Environmental Defence Fund.

For a longer bio read the Wikipedia entry

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