Saturday, February 28, 2009


Amazing photo's of the overpriced and overproduced greenhouse gas factories. And remember this is just 1 lot in 1 country(Scotland). Stunned and stunning UNSOLD CARS AROUND THE WORLD

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Friday, February 27, 2009

Conference Bike

From , a playful 1950's style advert for quite a bike contraption

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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

This new Belgium video from Cultivator Advertising & Design promotes the pro-biking message of cycling to work: It's often quicker than driving, so you can get to work earlier and enjoy more weird ball-bouncing activities with your hippie co-workers. Employee-owned New Belgium is one of your more eco-friendly brewers across the board. It's wind powered, and it "recycles, reuses or composts 73 percent of its waste stream."

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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Toxic Trespass: Public Forum

Toxic Trespass: Public Forum, Saturday, February 28, 1:30 pm, Sudbury‏

The Community Committee on the Sudbury Soils Study will be hosting a public forum on Saturday February 28th at 1:30 pm. Speakers from Port Colborne and Belledune will join Sudbury residents for a panel discussion of how the risks and impacts of contamination from metal smelters and refineries are assessed and how communities call for cleanup.

=>Belledune – soils contaminated by releases from Xstrata’s lead smelter in northern New Brunswick
=>Port Colborne – soils contaminated by nickel releases from Vale Inco’s historic nickel refinery
=>Sudbury – soils contaminated by Vale Inco & Xstrata’s nickel and copper smelters in Copper Cliff & Falconbridge

A public forum on how our communities have been contaminated and how we can call for clean-up

+ Diana Wiggins, Port Colborne resident
+ Inka Milewski, Science Advisor, Conservation Council of New Brunswick
+ Julien Dionne, Steelworkers Organizations of Active Retirees

1:30 pm, Saturday, February 28th
Room C-11, Tom Davies Square

No admission charge – donations gratefully accepted.Hosted by the Community Committee on Sudbury Soils Studies

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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Bike Lanes Benefit Business

No Joke Folks. This is what some of Toronto streets look like. If you haven't been out of your car when visiting you might have overlooked the fact that Toronto has taken to biking in a serious way as a first choice for transportation.!

Spacing Toronto recently posted an article on links to 2 studies regarding the impact to businesses if parking were removed for bike lanes and wider sidewalks. The Clean Air Partnership, and Toronto Coalition for Active Transportation participated in the Canadian study.

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Snow for Sale

photo by: matthew burpee

On this date in 2008 a record snowfall in Shawinigan Quebec prompted one entrepreneur to advertise his snow bank for sale. Promising to deliver it anywhere in Quebec at anytime including for a summer snow party in July.

Taking out a local newspaper ad, he managed to sell 3 truckloads of snow for delivery in the Summer. Covering the snow with a layer of wood shavings in the backyard, the massive snow pile remained until delivery in August

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Business Excellence Awards

The Sudbury Green Party of Ontario Constituency Association is accepting nominations for its annual Business Excellence Awards. Nominated Local Businesses will be evaluated according to the Green Party's 10 Key Values which are: Sustainability, Social Justice, Grassroots Democracy, Non-Violence, Decentralization, Community-Based Economics, Gender Equality/Feminism, Diversity, Personal and Global Responsibility, and Ecological Wisdom. .

The local winner will be advanced into the regional competition, with the regional winners competing for the Green Party's Provincial Award of Excellence. All winners will receive a listing on the Green Party's Business Excellence web page for a period of one year.

Send nominations to Joel Zazulak, Apt 1 51 Mont Adam, Sudbury ON, P3B 2V1,Email:, on or before March 15, 2009. The local winner will be announced on March 25, 2009,

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