The intersection of Elgin St. and Durham St. in Downtown Sudbury has been the venue for 5 festival clsoings in the last 2 weeks alone - and the City managed to survive. Which begs the question- could Sudbury attempt a care free zone as one innovation at revitalization.
This question was raised in this weekends local paper here in an interview with Joel Crawford, author of Carfree Cities.In January of this year the same suggestion was submitted during a 2 day series of community workshops hosted by Walk and Bike For Life's Gil Penosa and made it's way into the official Trails For Active Transportation report submitted to the city.
In fact at some point in the mid 90's Durham Street was permanenetly blocked off with flower planters before the new YMCA center was built, so it has been attempted before.
Just more food for thought
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Is it time for a Car Free Experiment in Downtown Sudbury?
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Show and Tell Sudbury Architecture
Some exciting events taking place in the Downtown for 10 days in the heritage Silverman's building on Elm Street as a part of the official Northern Ontario School of Architecture's Idea's competition. Details of the competition callout can be found here. Just this week another business in the same building had its doors closed when the landlord repossessed 'The Office' for rent in arrears.
The first public stage of the NOSOA outreach was a series of public art pieces in the downtown. Less than a year later most of the pieces have been removed but a short video I made is still viewable to look at the installations
In the last month ImagineneSudbury announced that Designer Bruce Mau is looking to establishing a Center for Massive Change in Sudbury.
Both projects are multiyear in development and suggest that important creative change is possible for Sudbury but in the short term signs of the creative thinking and dialogue that both promise to instigate are few and hard to find.
In fact, I suggest that these types of megaprojects, whether in the education or health sector tend to dry up and monopolize available funding and squeeze smaller alternatives. The end result are showcases that encourage the City's braindrain and do not necessarily contribute to changing the city in any meanungful way.
While the shortterm influx of students and money is good, we actually end up creating a braindrain of talent and creativity after graduation. And without some serious engagement outside of the silos of City Hall, Laurentian University and the Arts community - these projects may far fall short of the possible change they portend. Just look at the last 'mega project's suggested for the city and ask whether any after action reviews have taken place.
Lets hope that these projects are more than just show and tell
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
The Spirit Garden - Sudbury, Ontario
Video montage of the grand opening of The Better Beginnings, Better Futures "Spirit Garden" in Sudbury, Ontario on Saturday June 6th at 11am. Footage taken by Nick from The Foodshed Project.
Video montage of the grand opening of The Better Beginnings, Better Futures "Spirit Garden" in Sudbury, Ontario on Saturday June 6th at 11am. Footage taken by Nick from The Foodshed project
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
This is slag dumping on the night shift at Vale Inco, Copper Cliff, Ontario.
Kev Rayner of Sudbury recently won the GoCanadianRockies Alberta Tourist Ambassador program with this video of slag dumping at Vale INCO.
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