Monday, December 28, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Bruce Mau's northern exposure
Ontario-born design guru Bruce Mau flew back from Chicago this week for a high-energy set of talks and meetings about how to renew the landscape and civic life of his hard-bitten home town. Fred Lum/The Globe and Mail
High design meets nickel mines as Sudbury's prodigal son comes home. Read the full Globe article
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Bruce Mau at Cambrian College Sudbury
.The theme of leaving a small City is a personal one for Bruce Mau that still resonates true today. He spoke Thursday Nov 10 at Cambrian College on the possibility of opening an Institute without borders/ center for massive change in his old hometown Sudbury.
The slide shown is typical of the 5000 annual graduates from the cities 3 colleges and university. It also is typical of the 120 Canadian cities of similar population (100- 200,000) across the country
Friday, November 6, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Sudbury Climate Change Day
Join us for a group photo today at Noon on the Paris St. Bridge of Nations as part
of International Climate Change Day. Come on it only takes 5 minutes and then music and stenciling at the Buddha
Monday, October 19, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
City Hall Sudbury Community Board
This is the board that the City of Sudbury makes available for community posters, announcements and flyers in City Hall.
No other postering is allowed in the building. Population 165,000.
And they wonder why they have low citizen engagement? Maybe that's what they want?
Friday, October 16, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
Donovan Heritage Park Bulldozed by City
It is with deep regret and frustration that we submit this letter to the City of Greater Sudbury. For the past two and a half years, Myths and Mirrors Community Arts has been actively involved in the Donovan Elm West Community Action Network, which has seen an impressive increase in the participation of residents, business owners, and youth in our neighborhoods. We are involved because we believe in the importance of the Community Action Network and of the need for the community to engage in community decision-making around issues that affect the neighborhood.
For the past year, we have also worked actively with other members of the Community Action Network to increase youth participation and address some of the issues of concern to the residents, particularly in the area of Heritage Park. We have come to understand that the issues there are complex and will require an extensive commitment from all involved to address them in ways that build community rather than destroy it.
As a result of our work with other members of the Donovan, and with the support of the Community Action Network and of Councilor Evelyn Dutrisac, our four summer students mobilized the youth at Heritage Park to paint a mural on the façade wall, a façade which in the past had been a focal point of contention among the neighbors. Our summer students observed all kinds of problems in the neighborhood, but despite these, were able to facilitate a discussion with the youth about the park and what it meant to them, and led them through a collective process to identify the theme of the mural. The youth painted images of peace and respect, and dedicated the mural to Adam Dickey, a youth who drowned in Junction Creek, but who also saw Heritage Park as a space to hang out with his friends.
Overall, the time of five of our staff, plus a considerable amount of our financial resources went into the production of the mural at Heritage Park. ( Here is a link to our online photo gallery of the summer project:
It is therefore with shock and disappointment that we write this letter. We found out that the façade was destroyed on Monday, September 28th in the afternoon, from one of our volunteers who lives close to Heritage Park and happened to go by it on her way to work. No one from the City informed us that this was going to take place, nor did they consult with us as to what to do with the artwork that was dismantled. And finally, no one seemed to care that it was a group of youth, who face all kinds of barriers to community engagement, who worked so hard on painting that mural.
While we understand that Heritage Park is City property, the fact remains that Myths and Mirrors and dozens of neighborhood youth were partners with the City in this initiative, and at the very least, we all should have been consulted about how to dispose of their artwork. But we have other questions:
1. Why would the City provide financial and in-kind support to a project if it was going to be dismantled two months later?
2. What is the point of engaging marginalized youth in a community engagement process that will only serve to disempower them even more?
3. Is this how the City plans to address social problems in all areas of Greater Sudbury, or is destroying parks a tactic reserved only for the Donovan?
Derek Young
Dear Editor..
This letter is in response to the Heritage Park Razing. Firstly, I would like to congratulate Tanya Ball and the youth at Myths and Mirrors who work tirelessly to promote youth events and civic engagement in the community. Having worked with Tanya and Myths and Mirrors on previous projects I know the good they do in the community and the importance of engaging youth in their communities.
I must say that having read that Councillor Evelyn Dutrisac ordered the city to destroy the buildings on site at Heritage Park is very disheartening and shocking. Destroying these buildings does not deal with the real issues that have been raised such as drinking, drug use etc. It is important that these youth be supported in their efforts and have meaningful projects that they can be engaged in and have a place to hang out which indirectly addresses the concerns that have been raised. By destroying these buildings we have destroyed the dreams and efforts of these youth who have worked hard to make inroads in the Donovan community through their participation in the Community Action Network.... Read more
When will our city deal with the real issues surrounding the use the drugs and alcohol in public spaces, lack of youth engagement, lack and recreational facilities etc? Tearing down buildings, putting up fences, creating roadblocks is not leadership and does not deal with the real issues which will still exist.
Its time some city councillors and staff take a step back and look at the big picture vision of what Sudbury can be by engaging youth in their community and not campaigning to win votes in the next election which is narrow minded and demonstrates a lack of vision and long term planning. We sit back and say youth don't vote and youth aren't engaged in their community but yet we continue to do things that force youth to become disengaged and have their dreams and efforts destroyed then wonder why they do not vote.
Councillor Dutrisac should take a lesson from Councillor Landry-Altmann whom I have had to pleasure to work with on many park projects. Landry-Altmann has faced similar challenges in her ward. During her term thus far Percy Park, Red Fern, and Ridgecrest have been revitalized and become community gathering spaces serving the unique characteristics of their respective neighbourhoods. Another great example is the green stairs at Ste. Anne Road which now has a park like atmosphere with new shrubs, sculptures, and green space. We did not tear down the green stairs and parks when there were similar issues.
Enough is enough. We must move forward as a city and address the real issues. Programs such as Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) by Sudbury Police provide the tools and resources to deal with these issues in Heritage Park without destroying the park and hopes and dreams of the area's youth who will be our next leaders.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Foggy Septembers in Sudbury
September turns out to be fairly foggy in Sudbury early in the morning and here are 2 shots from previous Septembers featuring the iconic Sudbury WaterTower and a foggy pathway at Cambrian College
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
City of Sudbury offers Free Transit on Car Free Day
Mark your calendars! The City of Greater Sudbury will be offering FREE PUBLIC TRANSIT on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 in recognition of WORLD CAR FREE DAY!
World Car Free Day is an annual worldwide event that aims to reduce dependency on cars and is supported by the European Union, the United Nations, the Government of Canada and the leaders of over 1,500 cities around the world. This is a great opportunity to start doing something positive for the environment and your personal health, so leave your car at home and walk, bike or take the bus ... for FREE!
Simply cut out one of the CAR FREE DAY VOUCHERS appearing in the Northern Life, The Sudbury Star and Le Voyageur on September 16 and 17, and present it to the bus driver when boarding.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Kitsilano Corn Fields
Wow . Wonderful variety and color in this heirloom corn
Friday, September 11, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Sudbury Joins National Cleanup Week: September 19-27, 2009
Help out at a Sudbury Cleanup
Want to help out, but can’t find the time to schedule and organize a cleanup of your own?
Well you’re in luck. Many shoreline cleanups are looking for extra participants to help out at their event. If someone else has already registered to organize a cleanup in your community, and if their event is open to new participants, you can register to help out at their event.
Becoming a Participant
When you look through our searchable list of cleanups sites, keep an eye out for cleanup events in your area that are listed as "Open to new participants".
Once you find one that's convenient for you, you can register online as a Cleanup Participant. Your participation will help your group to cover even more shoreline and to remove even more harmful shoreline litter. You may also want to encourage some friends and family to register!
Make sure you record the date, time, and meeting place for the cleanup. On the day of your cleanup, remember to dress for the weather and be prepared to get your feet a little dirty.
It's all part of being an environmental steward for the day!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
PARK(ing) Day How-To Video
Ok so we have folks who say they will attend Sudbury Park(ing) Day Sept. 18. Get together to scout out some prime real estate and brainstorm this Saturday at 1:00 at the Buddha.Visit http://my.parkingday.orgl. Bring your brains!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Municipal Green Politics?
Municipal Green Association
Richard Murray recently posted a very interesting proposal on the Green Party Blog which I thought was worth giving a little more light of day. The only problem that I see would be keeping “politics” out of the municipal arena, not that in many cases it is not bubbling beneath the surface already.
His proposal is to create the Canadian Municipal Green Party Association (CMPGA), which would have five objectives:
To encourage Canadians to become involved in the Canadian political system,2. To educate members of the CMGPA in the workings of their local municipal government,3. To train members on how to campaign for office,4. To train members on how to hold office, and5. To provide a grassroots communications forum for those involved in municipal politics……….
This Association would not be a political party. The CMGPA would exist to encourage and support the involvement at the municipal level of individuals who believe the fundamentals of the Global Greens, The Green Party of Canada and their provincial Green Party……………..
There are two reasons why the Green Party at both the provincial and federal levels should support the CMPGA:
Participatory Democracy is one of our fundamental principles, and
Municipal politics serves as a training and recruiting ground for both provincial and federal politics…………..
There would be three functions the CMPGA would carry out;
Encouragement to the general public to learn about and be active in Canadian politics.1. “While we would naturally prefer you to be a member of the Green Party, we consider it a victory if you decide to become active in any way.”2. To be an information and training resource to our members. This would primarily be through the Internet.3. To encourage our members to share information and help each other. This would be through forums on the Internet and through meetings.
Do read the whole thing, we do need fresh blood in our political system and this may be one way to help those interested in getting involved.
Update – See the CMGPA website.
Superstack Kick It On Down
Sudbury based southern sounding rockers SuperStacK kicking it out with a Band title that is a total salute to Sudbury
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Neutrinos They Are Very Small:
Neutrinos They Are Very Small: Render (UW Art Gallery)
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Imagine That - Converting parking to planting
Here's a post from ImagineSudbury suggesting some new productive uses for Sudbury's Downtown parking lots.
Did you know that Victory Gardens supplied more than 40% of American food production during the World War II. And with the current economic events, the Victory Garden is making a comeback.
The plan involves taking out wasteful lawned areas or wasted downtown land and getting the community involved in vegetable & food gardening. In 2008 San Francisco implemented this program on its beautiful lawns in front of the Town Hall building. The lawns were ripped up and donated to those who wanted it. Raised beds were built using burlap bags stuffed with straw, forming keyhole-round gardens that would allow gardeners to use the most space with minimal tools & absolutely no chemicals & pesticides.
The idea is fantastic, and we have a large mass of land in Sudbury's downtown that has been lying wasted for more than 2 years. In fact it has been used as a shopping cart dumping ground for quite some time.
We need to take that land back while nothing is getting done about it. Based on the lot size and a quick walk around, the lot could easily supply enough room for up to 100 families using raised beds starting in the mid spring 2010. The land is sealed by asphalt so it wouldn't be such a big deal to move the gardens once the season has changed, but I would suggest that bringing people especially needy families to grow their food downtown would open up a wide zone of possibility in our downtown. Call your local councillor & get hold of the Mayor at
Friday, August 7, 2009
Video Drive into Sudbury with commentary on planning and transportation
Driving Tour of Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
Thursday, July 30, 2009
tower of power
We need to think about our urban forest in Sudbury a little bit more
Sphere: Related ContentTuesday, July 28, 2009
One Day You'll Look back and Laugh at This
A hilarious dry reference to Sudbury on Billable Hours from Jane Eastwood.
Sphere: Related ContentMonday, July 27, 2009
Save it or Smash it - Sudbury Water Tower
Save it or Smash it ? The Greater Sudbury Municipal Heritage Committee is evaluating the heritage value of the West End water tower (over Beatty, Pine, and Ash streets). The city has set aside $300,000 to have it demolished and removed. If you have an opinion to share about whether this prominent structure could be an important landmark or whther the money could be used for something more creative with the water tower , send it to the Municipal Heritage Committee, P.O. Box 5000, Station A, Sudbury P3A 5P3.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
EarthCare Local Action PLan Feedback
Dear EarthCare Sudbury Partners:
EarthCare Sudbury is inviting Partners to comment on the full update to the EarthCare Sudbury Local Action Plan. The final draft (English only) is accessible to Partners via the following weblinik:
This link will be live until 4:30pm, on Friday, July 31, 2009. Comments submitted after that will not necessarily be addressed. Please send all comments by email to
This will be the final opportunity to comment before the update is released. However, you may be contacted in the coming weeks about providing a few statements relating to the specific activities of your
Thank you for your participation.
Victoria Morrow
Co-ordinator of EarthCare Sudbury Initiatives City of Greater Sudbury
Chers partenaires de Terre à coeur Sudbury,
Terre à coeur Sudbury invite ses partenaires à faire des commentaires sur la mise à jour complète du Plan d’action local de Terre à coeur Sudbury. La dernière version du document (en anglais seulement) est accessible aux partenaires en cliquant sur l’hyperlien suivant :
Ce lien sera actif jusqu’à 16 h 30, le vendredi 31 juillet 2009. Les commentaires présentés après cette heure et cette date ne seront pas nécessairement abordés. Veuillez expédier tous vos commentaires par courriel à l’adresse
Ce sera la dernière occasion pour vous de faire des observations sur ce document mis à jour avant sa publication. Toutefois, il se peut que nous communiquions avec vous au cours des prochaines semaines au sujet de faire quelques déclarations relativement aux activités particulières de
votre organisme.
Merci de votre participation.
Victoria Morrow
Coordonnatrice des initiatives de Terre à coeur Sudbury Ville du Grand Sudbury
Monday, July 20, 2009
3 Canoes
Snapped this at the Elgin St. heritage train station on Saturday as part of the WorldWide photo walk through the Downtown. While the train station is not the Via rail pick up it does link up to White River - home of sopme great canoeing and camping destinations. The rail station is currently home for the summer to visitor information
Sphere: Related ContentSaturday, July 18, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Sudbury Savour the Street
Downtown Sudbury's Durham Street was closed for dinner last week as up to 200 diners had supper in the street. At $100 a plate in support of the newly founded Greater Sudbury Restaurant and Foodservice Association the turnout was a huge success promoting local food and the hospitality and restaurant sector in the city.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
World Map of Shrinking Cities
Interesting to watch the cities flash as the timeline progresses from 1900 onwards and correlate world history. World War 2 - watch Japan and Europe, recently watch China and Africa and overall try to figure out why regions in North America are 'shrinking'
World Map of Shrinking Cities from 1kilo on Vimeo.
Sphere: Related ContentSaturday, June 27, 2009
Is it time for a Car Free Experiment in Downtown Sudbury?
The intersection of Elgin St. and Durham St. in Downtown Sudbury has been the venue for 5 festival clsoings in the last 2 weeks alone - and the City managed to survive. Which begs the question- could Sudbury attempt a care free zone as one innovation at revitalization.
This question was raised in this weekends local paper here in an interview with Joel Crawford, author of Carfree Cities.In January of this year the same suggestion was submitted during a 2 day series of community workshops hosted by Walk and Bike For Life's Gil Penosa and made it's way into the official Trails For Active Transportation report submitted to the city.
In fact at some point in the mid 90's Durham Street was permanenetly blocked off with flower planters before the new YMCA center was built, so it has been attempted before.
Just more food for thought
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Show and Tell Sudbury Architecture
Some exciting events taking place in the Downtown for 10 days in the heritage Silverman's building on Elm Street as a part of the official Northern Ontario School of Architecture's Idea's competition. Details of the competition callout can be found here. Just this week another business in the same building had its doors closed when the landlord repossessed 'The Office' for rent in arrears.
The first public stage of the NOSOA outreach was a series of public art pieces in the downtown. Less than a year later most of the pieces have been removed but a short video I made is still viewable to look at the installations
In the last month ImagineneSudbury announced that Designer Bruce Mau is looking to establishing a Center for Massive Change in Sudbury.
Both projects are multiyear in development and suggest that important creative change is possible for Sudbury but in the short term signs of the creative thinking and dialogue that both promise to instigate are few and hard to find.
In fact, I suggest that these types of megaprojects, whether in the education or health sector tend to dry up and monopolize available funding and squeeze smaller alternatives. The end result are showcases that encourage the City's braindrain and do not necessarily contribute to changing the city in any meanungful way.
While the shortterm influx of students and money is good, we actually end up creating a braindrain of talent and creativity after graduation. And without some serious engagement outside of the silos of City Hall, Laurentian University and the Arts community - these projects may far fall short of the possible change they portend. Just look at the last 'mega project's suggested for the city and ask whether any after action reviews have taken place.
Lets hope that these projects are more than just show and tell
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
The Spirit Garden - Sudbury, Ontario
Video montage of the grand opening of The Better Beginnings, Better Futures "Spirit Garden" in Sudbury, Ontario on Saturday June 6th at 11am. Footage taken by Nick from The Foodshed Project.
Video montage of the grand opening of The Better Beginnings, Better Futures "Spirit Garden" in Sudbury, Ontario on Saturday June 6th at 11am. Footage taken by Nick from The Foodshed project
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
This is slag dumping on the night shift at Vale Inco, Copper Cliff, Ontario.
Kev Rayner of Sudbury recently won the GoCanadianRockies Alberta Tourist Ambassador program with this video of slag dumping at Vale INCO.
Sphere: Related ContentSaturday, June 6, 2009
Friday, June 5, 2009
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Sudbury Banners
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Sudbury St. Louis de Gonzague Slated for Demolition

Located directly across from Sudbury Secondary School in the central school hub of MaryMount College and College NotreDame, the area between Kathleen Street and Mackenzie/College Street is now slated for the Downtowns newest housing development in years.







